✅ Classic Tiramisu recipe, traditional Italian recipe for the most famous dessert in the world- Ein unkompliziertes Tiramisu Rezept für Einsteiger

Classic Tiramisu recipe, traditional Italian recipe for the most famous dessert in the world - Das italienische Dessert Tiramisu ist weltweit bekannt. Es besteht aus Löffelbiskuits, Espresso, Eigelb, Zucker, Mascarpone und Kakaopulver. Das Dessert ist süß und fein cremig und wird in vielen Restaurants und Cafés serviert. Auch wenn es unterschiedliche Varianten gibt, ist die klassische Zubereitungsweise am beliebtesten. In diesem Artikel werde ich Ihnen die klassische Zubereitung des Tiramisu erklären.

Classic Tiramisu recipe, traditional Italian recipe for the most famous dessert in the world

Classic Tiramisu recipe, traditional Italian recipe for the most famous dessert in the world.

Although the origins of this famous dessert are unclear, as the Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piemonte and Toscana regions argue about it, it remains a cornerstone of Italian cuisine and is widely prepared from north to south. This is the most classic recipe prepared in the traditional way, but there are many other variations: with pasteurized eggs (https://youtu.be/UsxLFkmIV8c), with strawberries, with Nutella, without eggs, with Marsala or matcha tea.

Ingredients (4 servings): -150 g coffee -65 g sugar -3 medium eggs (very fresh) -380 g mascarpone cheese -130 g ladyfingers (in Italy, they are called Savoiardi) - Unsweetened cocoa powder, for decoration

Instructions for the authentic Tiramisu recipe: 1) Prepare the Moka coffee, then sweeten to taste (I add in a teaspoon of white sugar) and let it cool in a small wide bowl. 2) Carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks, remembering that for a good beaten egg whites there should be no trace of the yolk. 3) In a large bowl, beat the egg yolks with a mixer, adding only half the sugar, until light and smooth. 4) With the mixer still running, you can add the mascarpone cheese, a little by little. 5) Clean the mixer attachments well and whisk the egg whites in another bowl, gradually adding the remaining sugar. Beat them until stiff. You will get at it when the egg whites will not move if you turn the bowl over. 6) Take a spoonful of egg whites and pour them into the bowl of mascarpone cream. Mix gently with a spatula, from bottom to top. 7) Continue to add the rest of the egg whites, gradually stirring very gently from bottom to top. Mascarpone cream is ready. 8) Add a generous spoonful of mascarpone cream onto the bottom of a glass or ceramic baking dish or casserole, measuring approximately 30 x 20 x 5 cm. Spread it evenly. 9) Dip the ladyfingers 1 or 2 seconds into the coffee. Then arrange them in the casserole, on top of the mascarpone cream. 10) Add a layer of mascarpone cream, using half of the remaining cream. 11) Add another layer of ladybugs soaked in coffee, then spread the mascarpone cream generously. 12) Using two toothpicks, create patterns on the surface of the tiramisu. I like to make small waves. 13) Sprinkle with unsweetened cocoa powder. 14) Cover the tiramisu and chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Your Tiramisu is ready to serve. —————————————- The video contains subtitles, please enable them and enjoy 😊 —————————————- 👍 If you like this video, please rate us! 👍. You will make us happy and help this channel grow.

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Das Tiramisu-Rezept ist einfach und erfordert lediglich einige Zutaten. Es eignet sich ideal sowohl für besondere Anlässe als auch für den täglichen Genuss. Wenn Sie also Lust auf eine süße Versuchung haben, dann das Tiramisu-Rezept ausprobieren.