🍪 Let’s make the FLUFFIEST ✨protein pancakes✨ #shorts #food #recipe #protein #fitness-Eierkuchen mal anders: Kreative Rezeptideen zum Experimentieren!

Let’s make the FLUFFIEST ✨protein pancakes✨ #shorts #food #recipe #protein #fitness - Eierkuchen sind in Deutschland sehr beliebt. Sie sind schnell gemacht, köstlich und abwechslungsreich. In folgendem Beitrag teile ich ein einfaches Rezept für Eierkuchen und hilfreiche Tricks zur optimalen Zubereitung mit Dir teilen.

Let’s make the FLUFFIEST ✨protein pancakes✨ #shorts #food #recipe #protein #fitness

OMMMGGGG first of all, I cannot believe that I made it to day 90 of 90 of my journey!!! I’ll be DEXA-scanning, getting a spray tan, and finishing up my bikini soon for the final reveal.

Secondly, here are the protein pancakes I’ve been eating every day of my journey. I loved them so much that I actually did it want to go a day without eating them. They tasted like dessert to me. Speaking of dessert, after my bikini reveal, you better bet I will be going to indulge on some blue velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. 😋 Bloat and pimples are coming too but it’s worth it.

Okay!! Recipe for my Supersculpt Protein pancakes:

✔️2 scoops Sculpt + Debloat Protein Powder with Probiotics ✔️ 1/3 c liquid egg whites ✔️ 1 tbsp tapioca powder ✔️1/2 tsp baking powder ✔️ 1-2 tbsp water

Macros (no toppings): 182 cals, 25g protein, 0g fat, 14g carbs

More recipes like these in my new cookbook Sculpt which you can get here 👉 https://bit.ly/blogilatesnutrition


PS: If you use a diff brand of protein, the recipe may not turn out quite right, as every powder is so diff in dryness, texture etc. I used Blogilates Sculpt + Debloat to develop the recipes in the book!

Eierkuchen sind eine einfache und leckere Speise, die zu jederzeit genossen werden kann. Ob zum Abendessen, sie ist immer eine gute Wahl. Probieren Sie dieses einfache Rezept aus und passen Sie es ganz individuell an, um Ihren perfekten Eierkuchen zu kreieren. Guten Appetit!