💯 Not your typical pancake recipe-Omeletts mal anders: Außergewöhnliche Rezeptideen zum Ausprobieren!

Not your typical pancake recipe - Pfannkuchen sind in vielen anderen Teilen der Welt sehr beliebt. Das Gericht sind schnell gemacht, köstlich und abwechslungsreich. In folgendem Beitrag teile ich ein einfaches Rezept für Pfannkuchen und hilfreiche Tricks zur optimalen Zubereitung mit Ihnen teilen.

Not your typical pancake recipe

Nobody wants to talk about it, but we need to.


(Yup first cameltoes, now this 😅)

I’ve noticed that my gut health is a direct mirror of my overall well being. Stress, lack of sleep, not eating the right foods, not hydrating enough, not moving enough - it all impacts my digestive system! And when my gut isn’t well, I don’t feel well. Do you ever feel that way too?

Anyway, was playing around in the kitchen the other day and decided to add psyllium husk to my usual protein pancake recipe and OMG. Not only did it make my protein pancakes lighter and fluffier, the fiber was great for my digestion!


1 scoop protein powder 1/3 c egg whites 1/3 c water 1/2 tsp baking powder 1 TBSP psyllium husk

But WARNING! When you eat psyllium husk, you have to increase your water intake too. Psyllium is a type of soluble fiber that forms a gel when consumed with water - this gel actually helps to soften the stool and move things along! BUT! If you do not drink enough water, adding psyllium to your diet can potentially cause worse constipation issues. A general rule of thumb (but it’s diff for everyone) is to drink half your weight in pounds, in fluid ounces. So, if you weigh 150 lbs then try to drink about 75 fl oz of water daily.

Anyway, even if you don’t have 💩 issues, this recipe is still really good. I honestly like it better than my usual protein pancake recipe because it’s so fluffy!


PS: I got my psyllium husk at Trader Joe’s! And the protein I used was the Orgain Vegan Vanilla powder at Costco.

Eierkuchen sind eine unkomplizierte köstliche Mahlzeit, die zu jederzeit genossen werden kann. Ob zum Frühstück, sie ist immer eine gute Wahl. Probieren Sie dieses einfache Rezept aus und passen Sie es ganz individuell an, um Deinen perfekten Pfannkuchen zu kreieren. Guten Appetit!